Quebec Milk Producers

"Milk goes well with"

The "Milk goes well with" campaign was born from the insight that milk is seen as complementary, and often upstaged by the more interesting food items that are part of the meal. It's rarely the centre of attention.

Consumer research also revealed that two out of three milk consumption occasions are tied to specific circumstances. With the goal to increase consumption of a mature product, PHD brought to life the "Milk goes well with..." campaign to life by inviting consumers to share their favorite combinations of milk pairings.

The idea was to make every touch point interactive and engaging, and invite consumers to share their own preferred milk, food and moment combinations. The campaign culminated with dominations in Montreal's public transit system, displaying a wide selection of the user-generated submissions.

Transit shelters were modified, and invited consumers to interact with the ad and create their own combinations. The transit shelters allowed for 36 random mix-and-match message opportunities. In print, four consecutive pages were cut horizontally in the centre, allowing readers to flip the top and bottom of the page individually, revealing multiple combinations from a pre-selected list.

Digital print readers were invited to pick their own combinations by scrolling through the selections on the upper and lower portions of an ad on a tablet. Online, the agency offered the opportunity to type directly into the display ads, which fed a data collection engine. For the final phase of the campaign, PHD turned the spotlight on the user generated submissions. It created 500 unique posters and used wallscapes and escalator wraps to dominate the Montreal transit system.

Over 50,000 milk combinations were submitted, exceeding expectations. In 2013, the average milk sales were 20% higher in Quebec than the rest of Canada.