Destination BC's water taxi ballet
Research indicated that recommendations from friends and family rank as the number one source of inspiration when selecting a travel destination. Jungle Media and Destination BC set out to find visitors that were currently on vacation in British Columbia and unleash their potential as travel ambassadors to their contacts back home.
To promote the desired action, Jungle selected one of the largest tourist spots in British Columbia — the Victoria Harbour. Located in the heart of downtown Victoria, it sees over three million visitors annually. Success also required a medium that would be effective at a single exposure, as tourists rarely frequent the same locale twice.
Jungle's team determined that the greatest engagement opportunity would require us to create our very own medium, one the visitor could truly experience.
First, it secured a first-ever agreement with the water taxis that take tourists on tours of the Victoria Harbour and wrapped them with "#exploreBC" creative. Wrapping the majority of the fleet gave Jungle the opportunity to engage every passenger and the scale to stand out visually in the small harbor.
Next, it built on the experience through our water taxi's captains. These passionate and knowledgeable representatives of the province served as ambassadors, donning #exploreBC T-shirts and buttons as their uniform.
Throughout their daily tours of the harbor, they encouraged visitors to take pictures and post the images to their social channels using #exploreBC. The medium became the message.
The experience culminated in an incredibly distinctive display. Jungle worked with the captains to use the Destination BC water taxis in a water taxi ballet, performed each Sunday in the harbor as thousands of onlookers took in the show, and our message.
There were more than 112,051 uses of "#exploreBC" over the campaign period, 140% above objectives. Followers grew on Destination BC's social media platforms (Instagram and Twitter) by 19,567, 177% more than the goal. 30.9 million potential travelers were reached via usage of the hashtag, with the experiential activation delivering a 2:1 ROI through social sharing alone.