Milk West
"Youth Milk Snack Time"
Nobody thinks milk is cool, especially not teens. They're also hard for advertisers to reach. A large portion of their free time is spent consuming content online in any format that has entertainment value. Milk West and DDB Canada decided to complement teens' entertainment habits rather than trying to disrupt them, creating a series of short, tongue-in-cheek, easy-to-share videos.
The brand created a Snack Time YouTube channel and site with a new episode released every two months. The campaign used promoted YouTube video, skippable pre-roll and programmatic native to drive scale, as well as other platforms like Tumblr. It also made special episodes for cinema, parodying popular teen movies. All the content was unbranded with no call to action.
The series was viewed more than eight million times on YouTube, with more than 26,000 subscribers. It also helped change the perception of milk among teens, increasing consumption and future intent.